Initial Consultation

On your first visit, Talia will inquire about your health history including your health goals. After discussing what is important to you, Talia will perform a physical examination to assess your spinal and joint health. Once she has a comprehensive understanding of your health history, current state of health, and your health goals, a tailored chiropractic care plan will be proposed. You can expect to receive treatment at this time if it is indicated. Please allow up to 45 minutes for initial consultations.

General — $80.00
Pregnancy — $80.00
Pediatric — $80.00
ACC — $70.00

Standard Consultation

Standard consultations are where you will receive treatment designed specifically for you. The techniques used will depend on your age, condition, and preference. Our primary objectives are to restore health and promote wellbeing in a natural way. We do this by addressing your pain or dysfunction first, then care is focused on preventing future injuries, maintaining balance, alignment, and a nervous system that is functioning at its best. Please allow up to 15 minutes for standard consultations.

General — $50.00
Pregnancy — $50.00
Pediatric — $50.00
ACC — $40.00

N.B. All prices are GST inclusive


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